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Moving furniture, items to the interior and dishes

Перевезення меблів, предметів інтер'єру та посуду

Obviously, the organization of the trip will be able to reach the end of the day and the robot will be ready for the next hour, until it is ready and ready. One of the main problems with home travel is the transportation of furniture. Unimportant to the ruggedness and the mass of cich virobes, the stench in a sufficient world until the establishment of tremors, if there are podryapins, vidkoliv, vm'yatin and the least mechanic stuff.

Quite often, changing vantazhnetaksi -Responder of organizing the transport of furniture and other home speeches. In the first place, the robots will be on the offensive:

- assessment by the company’s employees of the number of items and specialties of vantage, which can be transported;

- special vehicle;

- preparation of speeches before transport;

- delivery, vivantage and collection of furniture. Stop if necessary.

Clients of moving companies are not responsible for preparing speeches before transportation.

Preparing furniture before moving

The optimal solution is to send all shafis, tables and police officers. Oskіlki the procedure is given for an unrevealed koristuvach can take a lot of hours and forces, more beautifully turn up to fakhіvtsіv. Doors of furniture windows and large details should be finished to wrap the packing paper or polyethylene plastic. Internal vst of cabinet furniture can also be packed in plastic or corrugated cardboard.

What to do furniture transportation from Lviv її transport units should be carefully secured all the rukhomі elements on the open drawers or doors, and also remove all the third-party items in the middle.

Rozbirna myakі furniture is perfectly transported in parts. Basically, the frame, backrests, seat, sidewalls with padlocks, front tsar and cushions. However, here it is more beautiful to trust the fakhivtsy, so that you do not want to love the divan and the crystal on your own. Deyakі mechanіzmi more beautifully pov'yazuvati or fіksuvati іnshim rank, sob to uniqueness їh spratsovvannya in an unexpected moment. Take care of meats of furniture with special flavors, so as to protect them from brutes, saws, chips and other negative infusions. To wrap a natural shkіra more beautifully with a shіlny cloth or vikoristovuvati a universal chokhol.

Preparing interiors and dishes

For packing mirrors and other small items, you must choose a piece of bulbs and a sheet of corrugated cardboard, which is curved to the surface of the face. Chandeliers are transported in loose boxes, empty spaces that can be stored as a kind of shock-absorbing packing material.

The dishes are burnt in pakuvalny papyr or the dish and put into the box, so that you will be uniqueness.
