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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Moodys прогнозирует заметное замедление роста потребления стали в Индии Moodys predicts significant slowdown in steel consumption growth in India

    The latest steel sector report released by Moody's Investors Service predicts a significant slowdown in steel consumption growth in India in 2020-21. The forecast for a decline in growth rates is largely in line with the expected slower GDP growth in the country. Domestic steel consumption in...
    09.04.2020  12:29
  • Фьючерсы на китайскую сталь растут после отмены в стране карантина Chinese Steel Futures Rise After Country Cancels Quarantine

    Steel futures in China rose for the second session in a row on Wednesday after the completion of a two-month quarantine in the Chinese city of Wuhan, raising hopes for a surge in demand as economic activity resumes in the country. Wuhan, where the coronavirus first emerged, began allowing people...
    09.04.2020  12:19
  • Производство SAIL и Tata Steel сократилось на 50% Production of SAIL and Tata Steel decreased by 50%

    PTI said that, faced with reduced demand due to a lockdown in India, primary steelmakers such as Steel Authority of India Ltd and Tata Steel have cut their production by about 50 percent. Sources said: “The companies made the decision due to the decrease in market demand after the blockage, which a...
    08.04.2020  12:02
  • Primetals Technologies создает новый сталелитейный завод в Китае Primetals Technologies creates new steel plant in China

    To comply with environmental regulations and improve production, HBIS Shijiazhuang Iron & Steel Co Ltd has signed a contract with Primetals Technologies for a new steel wire rod plant in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, People's Republic of China. The plant, which is relocating from outside...
    08.04.2020  11:25
  • Прибыли европейской металлургии могут снизиться во втором квартале на фоне слабого спроса Profits of European metallurgy may decline in the second quarter amid weak demand

    In the second quarter of 2020, Europe's hot rolled steel production margins may decline further due to weak demand as the coronavirus pandemic disrupts global trade. HRC steel distribution by feedstock in Northwest Europe in the second quarter may decline to 231 € /t (USD 249) on the back of r...
    08.04.2020  11:14
  • Евраз закрывает завод по производству труб в Портленде Evraz closes Portland pipe plant

    Evraz Oregon Steel Mills is closing its coiled tubing plant at its Portland plant, resulting in nearly 230 permanent job cuts. Evraz said it will implement the cuts over a two-month period starting Monday. Evraz North America Director of Communications and Government Patrick Waldron said: “The oil a...
    07.04.2020  13:57
  • Робот обрабатывает бизнес-заказы в LIBERTY Ostrava The robot processes business orders in LIBERTY Ostrava

    Robot Process Automation is the official name of the new technology assistant that assists in the sales coordination and order management department at LIBERTY Ostrava. However, this is not a human figure that you would see sitting at a computer, but special software. The Ostrava Mill continues to...
    07.04.2020  13:53
  • Производство стали в США продолжает сокращаться US steel production continues to decline

    AISI announced that for the week ended April 4, 2020, domestic steel production was 1,534,000 tonnes, while capacity utilization was 68.5%. Production was 1,892,000 net tons for the week ended April 4, 2019, while capacity utilization was 81.3%. Production this week represents a decline of 18.9...
    07.04.2020  13:49
  • Мечел поставляет металлопрокат для строительства медицинских центров для борьбы с коронавирусом в России Mechel supplies rolled metal for the construction of medical centers to combat coronavirus in Russia

    Mechel Group's retail network Mechel-Service supplies steel coils for the construction of infectious diseases hospitals designed to combat coronavirus throughout Russia. The Russian Defense Ministry is accelerating the construction of 16 medical centers. Mechel-Service supplies rolled metal...
    06.04.2020  12:38
  • British Steel принимает меры в связи с распространением коронавируса COVID-19 British Steel takes action on COVID-19 coronavirus spread

    British Steel CEO Ron Deelen said: “The coronavirus is shaping the way we all conduct our daily lives, and we have robust and flexible plans to protect our people, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. We continue to follow the latest guidelines from Public Health England a...
    06.04.2020  12:35
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