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IMF resumes its assistance to Ukraine

МВФ возобновил свою помощь Украине
The International Monetary Fund has resumed financial assistance to Ukraine. The IMF said Wednesday that it has approved a $ 1 billion disbursement from the current $ 17.5 billion bailout program.

Renewal of aid, the President of Ukraine welcomed. “The IMF's decision is proof that the world sees positive changes in Ukraine and that the country is moving in the right direction,” Petro Poroshenko said. He stressed Russia's unsuccessful attempt to block a positive IMF decision for Kiev.

Within the framework of the expanded financing program approved in March 2015, Ukraine is to receive assistance from the IMF in the amount of $ 17.5 billion. The Fund constantly monitors progress in the field of reforms and their implementation is a prerequisite for the next tranche of aid.

In exchange for financial support from the IMF, Ukraine pledged to take measures to stabilize the economic situation and structural reforms.
