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Fechral wire X23YU5T in Ukraine. What are the characteristics?

Проволока фехраль Х23Ю5Т в Украине. Какие характеристики?

Fechral wire is made from an alloy of iron, chromium and aluminum. Depending on the ratio of metals in the composition, different brands are distinguished.

Various types of fechral wire differ in technical characteristics. That is why you should familiarize yourself with the features of the alloy before buying.

Wire Fechral X23Yu5T - composition features

Х23Ю5Т - the name of the alloy grade. This means that the composition contains an average of 23% chromium, 5% aluminum and a slight addition of titanium - up to 0.4%. The ratio of iron in the brand name is not indicated. The share of the base metal fluctuates in the region of 69-72%.

A similar alloy is also produced under the names Kanthal A1, Alloy 875 (American-Swedish production). However, in Ukraine it is better known as X23Yu5T (Russia). Due to its unique advantages, this type of fechral wire is excellent for servicing electronic cigarettes.

Main characteristics of the alloy:

  • Fechral wire of the Х23Ю5Т brand is resistant to temperature. The spiral can withstand heating up to 1400 degrees Celsius. Melting begins at 1450 degrees.
  • Fechral brand Х23Ю5Т has a high resistivity. This means that the wire is heated evenly over the entire area and in the shortest possible time.
  • The obvious advantage of the fechralic wire of the Kh23Yu5T alloy is its ductility. It is extremely easy to shape the required shape. The wire is securely fixed, does not unwind or spring.
  • In addition to electronic cigarettes, alloy products are also used in household appliances and industry.

Disadvantages of the Х23Ю5Т brand are generally identical to the main disadvantages of Fechral wire:

  • Due to the presence of iron in the composition, the alloy is susceptible to corrosion;
  • Fehral has a very limited lifespan, requires gradual cooling and careful use;
  • Fechral wire of the Х23Ю5Т brand is also brittle. Most often, you can wind it no more than one or two times;

It should be noted that the advantages of the alloy on the market are still more weight. In retail, fechral wire is purchased mainly by lovers of electronic cigarettes, for whom the benefits of the X23Yu5T brand are obvious. Indeed, in addition to the mentioned resistance to temperature, high resistivity and plasticity, fechral wire of this type has a rather favorable price.
