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When planning a trip, it is very important to choose the conditions that are right for you. The best solution would be to compare the offers of tour operators and choose the appropriate option. The "Tickets.Ua" service allows you to purchase cheap air tickets at https://avia.tickets.ua/deshevyye-aviabilety in different directions at your discretion clients. It allows you to compare the available offers and book the options you like.

Purchase of air tickets on the "Tickets.Ua" service

To order air tickets online you need:

  • Choose a route option - one way, both ways or a difficult route.
  • Specify the direction of travel - where the departure will be from and the final destination.
  • Set the departure date in the virtual calendar.
  • Indicate the number of passengers - adults, children and babies.

The site provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the most popular destinations, frequently visited cities. Top 10 airlines offering services are presented for review.

The "Tickets.Ua" service is convenient because there is no need to visit different sites in search of tickets. Everything you need for travel is collected on one useful resource.

How the service works

Among the main features are:

1. A 24-hour support service will answer all tourists' questions, so you can contact us at any time.

2. Discounts and loyalty programs are available for regular customers. When making purchases, the client receives 1% of the value in the form of points, which is equal to one ruble. This way you can save on buying plane tickets.

3. The independent rating of airlines, presented on the service, allows tourists to decide on the choice of a tour operator. All you need to do is give your grade after the flight.

Thanks to the analysis of airfare prices, you can choose the cheapest option for your trip.
