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What is PCB Assembly

Что такое монтаж печатных плат

For electrical connection in a single circuit and mechanical fastening in the case of a radio or computer device, special printed circuit boards are used. They are made of a dielectric material in the form of a plate, on the surface of which an electrically conductive network can be applied (printed) according to a predetermined pattern. The design of such systems and installation of printed circuit boards for a wide variety of devices or devices is carried out by A-CONTRACT, which makes it possible to significantly reduce their dimensions https://a-contract.ru/y, as well as improve the quality characteristics, source https://a-contract.ru/.

Basic types of installation

The technological process of manufacturing the boards necessary for a particular device (device) is called assembly. It is divided into several main types:

  • Conclusion - small-diameter holes are made in a board of a given size, in advance, in a precisely designated place for fastening and outputting connections for parts to be installed later. All parts are fixed on the board only on one side.
  • Surface fastening - includes fastening all parts provided by the scheme to the surface.
  • Mixed assembly - consists of the simultaneous preparation of the site (holes for fixing) and the installation of parts.

The soldering method is used as the main method for installing printed circuit boards, and if earlier it was carried out manually using a soldering iron, today special high-tech equipment is used for these purposes. It significantly reduces the likelihood of error (human error) and speeds up the installation process itself. Allows to produce not only serial samples of printed circuit boards, but also to carry out rather complex individual orders with a quality guarantee and at an affordable cost for the consumer.
