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Top 10 steel producing countries

Десятка крупнейших стран-производителей стали
According to the latest statistics released by the World Steel Association, global steel production in 65 countries reporting to the Association stood at 130.525 million tonnes in November 2014. These 65 countries account for approximately 98 per cent of the world's total crude steel production.

The ten world leaders in total crude steel production during November 2014 were ranked as follows:

1 . China 63,300 thousand tons
2. Japan 9175 thousand tons
3. USA 7209 thousand tons
4. India 6890 thousand tons
5. South Korea 5911 thousand tons
6. Russia 5840 thousand tons
7. Germany 3599 thousand tons
8. India 2795 thousand tons
9. Brazil 2773 thousand tons
10. Taiwan 1905 thousand tons
